Advisory committee

TPCC’s Advisory Committee consists of  statewide health leaders representing various primary care and health system perspectives, including clinicians, payors, hospitals, community leaders, philanthropists and academia.

The Advisory Committee:
1. Advises TPCC on the areas to focus on for each calendar year (e.g., payment reform, rural health, behavioral health).
2. Shares trends from the field of primary care, state-wide and nationally.
3. Assesses the impact of TPCC projects and assists in improving for greater impact.
4. Distributes TPCC products and updates with your community network.

Baylor College of Medicine
Cynthia Peacock, MD, CPNP
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas
Mark Chassay, MD, MEd, MBA
CHRISTUS Trinity Clinic
Janet Hurley, MD, FAAFP
Driscoll Health Plan
Karl Serrao, MD, MBA, FAAP, FCCM
East Texas Community Clinic, Inc.
Douglas Curran, MD, FAAFP
HKD & Associates
Helen Kent Davis
Houston Business Coalition on Health
Chris Skisak, PhD
Kings Medicine PLLC
Diki Reyes, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC
Patient Care Intervention Center
Kallol Mahata, MS
Texas Academy of Family Physicians
Tom Banning
Texas Association of Community Health Centers
Jana Eubank
Texas Health Institute
Ankit Sanghavi, MPH, BDS
Texas Medical Home Initiative
Sue S. Bornstein, MD, MACP
Robert Jackson, MD, MACP
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Rodney Young, MD, FAAFP
The University of Texas System
David Lakey, MD
The University of Texas at Tyler
Valerie Smith, MD, MPH, FAAP
TMF Health Quality Institute
Wendy Medcalf, MHA, CPHQ, PCMH CCE
UT Health San Antonio
Ramon Cancino, MD, MBA, MS, FAAFP
Waco Family Medicine
Jackson Griggs, MD, FAAFP
Wild Blue Health Solutions
Daniel Crowe, MD, FACP